MBITA is pleased to announce its new corporate sponsor: Globalstar L.P. Globalstar is the next-generation provider of mobile satellite communication services, providing telephone communication to previously unserved or under-served geographical areas. Globalstar provides access to voice and data communications services from virtually every populated area of the world.
Satellite telephones have been around since the 1970s, but until recently, they were bulky, awkward to use, and very expensive. The current generation of satphones, however, has turned this industry on its head, making inexpensive, pocket-sized phone units available for use from almost anywhere in the world.
Of all the providers today of handheld satellite phones, Globalstar is by far the most widely-used. With over 80,000 subscribers, Globalstar provides very high-quality voice and data communications services in more than 100 countries and across vast ocean areas, far beyond the reach of terrestrial-based wireless systems. And Globalstar calls can be made for as little as 17 cents a minute.
Globalstar phones are used today by a wide variety of businesses and government organizations that need to stay in touch no matter where they go. These include maritime industries, transport operators, pipeline companies and forestry and mining businesses. In the government sector, agencies at the federal, state and local level use Globalstar phones for law enforcement, search and rescue and even fire-fighting operations in remote areas.
Globalstar was originally developed as a partnership between several of the world's foremost aerospace and telecommunications companies, including Loral Space & Communications, Qualcomm, France Telecom, Alcatel, China Telecom, Vodafone, Finmeccanica, and DaimlerChrysler Aerospace. Following the construction and launch of its 48-satellite constellation, the company launched commercial service in early 2000. Its unique CDMA-based architecture not only ensures exceptionally clear and secure voice signals but also provides for remarkably reliable connections, as each call is carried by up to four satellites simultaneously. If the signal to one satellite is blocked by a building or other obstruction, the call is switched seamlessly and automatically to another satellite, retaining the connection.
Globalstar also offers 9.6 kbps data service, the highest true data speed of any handheld satellite phone, and multichannel modem products have been developed to provide still higher speeds. A variety of other products and accessories have also been developed for a wide range of applications, including maritime and aviation uses.
Peter White
Vice President of Sales And Marketing
Globalstar L.P.
3200 Zanker Rd. Bldg 260, M/S GS-02
San Jose, CA 95134
Tel. 408-933-4434 - Fax: 408-933-4954
Web: www.globalstar.com
Email: pwhite@globalstar.ca
Last year, MBITA member SynapseFusion, Inc. and BLOONATIC LLC combined forces in a joint venture called The Bloofusion Group, based in Silicon Valley. Bloofusion currently has signed up several new clients around the world, ranging from top national universities to culinary schools, European translation bureaus to boating supplies companies.
Bloofusion is a one-stop outsourcing partner for complete search engine visibility, online marketing and business development solutions addressed to mid-level corporate customers needs. Bloofusion has a unique combination of technology and marketing experience to augment profits by increasing web site traffic, implementing community marketing, providing competitive intelligence and various other online and offline activities.
By combining talents and resource pools of two companies, Bloofusion differentiates itself from other companies by providing complete, customized, global online solutions that include web visitor tracking tools, community and viral marketing and online business development strategies. Their solutions will boost your company sales while providing brand value for the products and services.
While Santa Cruz-based SynapseFusion contributed its strong global marketing base, BLOONATIC, located in Silicon Valley, added search engine technology savvy to the venture. "We are a best-of-breed provider in the online marketing sector," commented Andreas Mueller, President of Bloofusion. "Surprisingly enough, this is a sector in dire need, since it is serviced by two opposite groups of providers: the high-end boutique firms with five-digit monthly retainers and the lower end quick-fix shops, selling solutions for $49."
Bloofusion recently conducted a study of 53,000 e-commerce web sites to determine the degree to which sites are optimized for online visibility: Over two-thirds failed to take advantage of search engines to connect prospective customers to their products and services. During current economic downsizing, there is a need to creatively use every asset a company has - including a web site's ability to represent a formidable sales and marketing channel.
In conjunction with a contract that Bloofusion will be signing with a major network of European multimedia companies, the company just opened a European office in Germany in January. Andreas Mueller comments: "Bloofusion is now able to provide a unique set of online marketing services to both US and European companies. Our customers "ill not only be able to penetrate their domestic markets, but also test overseas markets via the Internet."
Learn more about your company's web site traffic by visiting www.bloofusion.com. Bloofusion has a special deal for MBITA members who may use the Bloofusion TrafficTracker for their web sites for a six-month trial. Take a second and sign up for the monthly newsletter that is full of tips and tricks for search engine optimization.
Bloofusion Group
Andreas Mueller
Tel. (831) 688-7188
Email : andreas@bloofusion.com
Web: www.bloofusion.com
MBITA Partner: TechVentures Network - An entrepreneur's source for success
TechVentures Network, formerly Bay Area Regional Technology Alliance (BARTA), was founded in 1994 by the California Technology Trade & Commerce Agency and a consortium of private and public sector groups. Tech Ventures' mission is to facilitate access to funding, vital business data and services for Bay Area technology companies, notably through the California Technology Investment Partnership (CalTIP), a state grant fund focused on turning cutting-edge technologies into commercial products and services.
The programs and services offered by TechVentures contribute to the economic growth of the greater Bay Area small businesses - the most productive segment of the US economy. According to data from the American Electronics Association/Ernst & Young Biotechnology Industry Annual Report, California gained more than 210,000 new jobs in high-tech and biotechnology between 1993 and 1998 -- more than making up the 200,000 jobs lost to defense cuts, banking consolidation and reduced mining activities in the previous decade. Prior to 2000, total employment in the high-tech and biotech sectors was estimated to be more than 885,000, and average worker annual income exceeded $60,000. Small companies, many of which did not exist 10 years earlier, created most of these jobs, and, if supported financially by capital markets, will do so again.
Success Stories
TechVentures Networks is leading the way helping biotech and medtech companies in this region to market.Somagenics, Inc. www.somagenics.com a two-time CalTIP grant recipient, developed the RNA Lasso, a new class of molecule for controlling gene expression. Kumetrix, Inc., www.kumetrix.com, another CalTIP winner, recently developed silicon micro needles for painless blood analyte monitoring based on the dynamics of a mosquito bite. TechVentures Network, through CalTIP and other services, helped this primarily R&D company commercialize its products with corporate partners.
Other successes include aviation and instrumentation innovator Seagull Technologies www.seagull.com and Aloha Networks www.alohanetworks.com, a provider of wireless communications solutions. Seagull Technologies develops DSS, modeling and analysis and simulation software to customers like the FAA, NASA, DOD, DOE, DOT, and the airline industry. Aloha Networks' first commercial offering, SkyDSL, will provide high speed bi-directional internet access using satellites for carriers and service providers to offer new communication services to their customers.
Why companies work with TechVentures
One of the most difficult challenges an entrepreneur faces in today's economic downturn is finding sources of funding, including grants and seed money, investment rounds from venture capital, and investments from private investors and institutional sources. In the last seven years, TechVentures Network has helped more than 66 Bay Area companies to receive grants totaling more than $11.95 million in state funds, leveraging nearly $30 million in R&D support, and more than $200 million in private funding.
TechVentures Network is spearheading development of the Atlas for the New Economy (ATLAS), a web-based data center supporting the creation and development of knowledge-based industries. The ATLAS addresses key business data components of industrial infrastructure development with GIS mapping of topography, industrial clusters, resources and economic statistics.
Whether a company seeks to enlarge it's market internationally, or an international company, government body or foundation seeks to build a market presence in the Bay Area, TechVentures Network facilitates bi-directional access to develop partnerships and strategic alliances between qualified companies, regions, and sources of funding.
Working with successful business services companies and firms including local chambers of commerce, area universities, networking organizations for technology startups, public relations and marketing consulting firms, TechVentures Network provides a suite of vetted resources to our client companies. Friday Flash, a weekly email broadcast to almost 3000 entrepreneurs, investors and service providers, delivers an ongoing source of information about our programs and events, and other resources for growing businesses.
Global Tech Link is a structured, fee-for-service, comprehensive 6-month business development program. The goal of this program is to assist the formation of strategic alliances with selected potential partners overseas. The ideal candidate is small and medium-sized technology-based California companies who are developing innovative, globally competitive products in industry sectors significant to the continued economic growth of the State and its regions. Space is limited to 6-8 companies per 6-month program cycle. Services provided are: company analysis, market analysis, strategic planning, marketing material, legal issues, taxation issues, financial planning, certifications and licenses, web strategies, matchmaking, alliance process, and implementation. Connections Include: Australia, Belgium, Chile, China, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan.
Judith Pacult
President and CEO
TechVentures Network
Tel. 510- 271-4116
Fax: 510.271.4129
Web: www.techventuresnetwork.org
Email: judith.pacult@techventuresnetwork.org