Price: $6,000/year
Global-MBITA is now offering a Corporate Sponsor Program to Global Trade manufactures and service providers including organizations in the legal, logistic, marketing, educational and finance sectors.
- Four hours of consulting services directed to the sponsor’s objectives
- Four email promotions to Global-MBITA members and clients and multiplied throughout the world through the CTP network
- Posting in Global-MBITA social media networks
- Feature Article in Global-MBITA’s World TradeWinds eZine with a circulation of 17,000+ subscribers involved in some aspect of the global trade industry in California and throughout the world
- Featured Sponsor luncheon/seminar to be held in the Monterey Bay or Silicon Valley
- Column banner ad in for one year
- Two quarter-page ads in two issues of Global-MBITA's bi-monthly World TradeWinds eZine
- Press release campaign to local media
- Display of company logo on Global-MBITA's World TradeWinds eZine for one year
- Direct Link on Global-MBITA website, listing on membership roster and company logo on all printed materials
- Display of company literature at Global-MBITA events
- Discount of 20% on Global-MBITA translation services
- Discount of 10% on fee-based consulting and research by Global-MBITA Staff
- Two complimentary passes to two Global-MBITA events
- Discount of 15% on Global-MBITA luncheons and events
- Discount of 15% on all Global-MBITA Online eCommerce courses
- Access to Global-MBITA Trade Library