National Export
Initiative (NEI) Update
This month’s issue features our new Corporate Sponsor, Veritrade Ltd, and has some very interesting market research products coming soon.
Also, please remember the 3rd annual Green Trade Network summit conference that will be held this year in the ‘salad bowl’ capital of the World, Salinas, Ca…enjoy
New Paragraph
Tony Livoti
Vice President
Shay Adams
AIM Medical Sales
Dr. Edward Valeau
Els Group LLC
Hartnell College
President Emeritus
Marcelo Siero
Jim Faith
Trade Export
Finance Online
Cristina Polesel
General Manager
This newsletter has been
created by MBITA's editor
Cristina Polesel
MBITA welcomes new corporate sponsor. Veritrade Ltd.
Veritrade Ltd is an electronic publishing company committed to provide customers with the best business intelligence applied to the International Trade Market permitting them to analyze their markets or discover new ones, build their strategies and then, focus on reaching their goals.
We all depend on international trade, as direct Importers or Exporters, Sales Agents, Marketing, Sales or Purchasing Managers. Veritrade multi-country information and easy-to-use interfaces help companies to:
Veritrade success is based on the foreign trade knowledge of their team that permits the company to build vertical and personalized websites focused on trade and the businessperson's needs.
If you prefer to outsource your work to Veritrade and receive a custom report, Veritrade is also ready to serve you through their consultancy department that is able to understand your needs permitting you to outsource your daily research or specific foreign trade market analysis requirements as well as outsource your periodical information needs on a periodical basis.
At present Veritrade has clients in over 30 countries with trade analysis and statistics information about China, India, USA, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina foreign trade.
Contact Veritrade to discover a world of opportunities.
Christian Neuhaus Wiese
President and CEO
Veritrade Corp.
Tel. (415) 704 - 5074
National Export
Initiative (NEI) Update
The Importance of exports to create new, high paying jobs, especially from our small business sectors, is very important to our economic recovery. World TradeWinds has established a new section that will keep us up to date on all aspects of the NEI and our progress to meet the President’s goal of doubling exports in the next five years…enjoy.
The National Export Initiative: Is Help on the Way?
By Richard Vitas Palaikis II
In the State of the Union Address this past January, President Obama announced the creation of the National Export Initiative (NEI), which was later signed into effect by way of Executive Order on March 11, 2010. The NEI is designed to allow for the following:
The President has signed an executive order for the implementation of the NEI, so what happens now? Within 180 days of the President signing the executive order, the Export Promotion Cabinet must present to the President a comprehensive plan that will carry out the goals of the NEI, which have been outlined above.
In addition to the NEI, the President will also receive information from the President's Export Council (PEC) which is considered to be the President's "national advisory committee" on international trade. Members of the PEC will advise the Administration on governmental policies and programs that directly affect trade performance, as well as the promotion of export expansion. In addition, the PEC also serves as an open forum for the discussion and resolution of trade related issues among various industrial sectors, including governmental sectors.
On July 7, President Obama appointed the following individuals to the PEC to represent various industrial sectors of the American economy:
In addition, there are five senators and five representatives serving on the PEC:
* Congressman Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio
* Congressman Dave Reichert, R-Washington
* Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, D-California
* Congressman Mark Schauer, D-Michigan
* Congressman David Wu, D-Oregon
* Senator Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio
* Senator Mike Crapo, R-Idaho
* Senator Byron Dorgan, D-North Dakota
* Senator Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan
* Senator Ron Wyden, D-Oregon
With all of these people investing their time and energy into strengthening our ability to export and leveling the playing field for American businesses to become more competitive on the international market, hopefully something substantial will come from the NEI coupled with the overhaul of the export control system.
This article was written by Richard Vitas Palaikis II of PECbefore the WhiteHouse report on NEI was released on 9/16/10/, six months after the announcement of the NEI by President Obama.
See the WhiteHouse report on the NEI.
We encourage you to send concerns, ideas and suggestions to the PEC at and MBITA at
Agriculture and the Green Revolution
3rd Annual Green Trade Network Summit - Salinas, CA
Dec. 1, 2010
The 3rd Annual Green Trade Network Summit will take place on December 1, 2010 in the ‘salad bowl’ of the world, Salinas, California. The conference entitled ‘Agriculture and the Green Revolution’, will provide a forum that will facilitate interaction and information exchange among research scientists, producers, agro-technology providers, equipment manufacturers, service providers, agronomic consultants, software developers, educators, government personnel and policymakers, all addressing the ‘greening’ of one of American’s top industries.
An additional objective of this conference is to demonstrate how ‘Green’ agricultural products, services and technologies can be exported to create jobs here and now in the U.S. Presentations on trade finance, global marketing, logistics and government incentives for export to the foreign marketplace will be presented through panels and invited presenters.
The Monterey Bay International Trade Association (MBITA) is now accepting ground-floor SPONSORSHIPS and
Please contact the MBITA office at 831-334-2218 or email at for further details.
See background information and presentations of the of the first two Green Trade Network conferences that were held in Santa Cruz, CA, 'When You Think Green You Must Think Global' in 2008 and 'Sustainable Cities of the 21st Century' in 2009.
As our global marketplace slowly recovers from the global economic crisis, Europe and the U.S. stand strong to further develop their long-standing friendship with bilateral trade and investment opportunities that will hopefully usher us into an unprecedented age of prosperity.
In particular, President Obama’s National Export Initiative (NEI) challenge to double U.S. exports in the next five years has presented Europe with the advantage of importing U.S. products, services and technologies into the EU.
This seminar/luncheon will feature an array of experts discussing taxes, incentives, support services and opportunities that American companies can now utilize to enter the EU marketplace.
Seminar Speakers
Value Added Tax in Europe and Other Countries
Britta Eriksson , President & CEO
Euro VAT Refund, Inc.
Belgium in the Heart of Europe - Tax Incentives for Foreign Investors
Michela Ritondo , Senior Tax Official
Fiscal Deparment for Foreign Investments
Federal Public Service Finance of Belgium
The EU "e-customs initiative"
Paul V. Oliva, Founder and Principal
OlivaGlobal Communications
Trade and Investment in Hungary and new States in the European Union
Istvan A. Molnar, Investment and Trade Commissioner
Consulate General of the
Republic of Hungary, Los Angeles
Entering European Markets in a Challenging Environment
Edmund Hain, Founder and Managing Director
Business Consulting Network
International, LLC
Liquidity and Growth Opportunities for European Companies in U.S. Capital Markets
Mona DeFrawi
CEO and Founder
Trade And The Transatlantic Relationship - Is There A Crisis?
Caroline Krawiec Brownstone, President & CEO
International Management and Marketing Associates (IMMA)
Ayse's Corner is a feature column of the World TradeWinds eZine'. Ayse Oge is a published author and global trade marketing expert and author of Emerging Markets.
“Model Trade Partnership”
Emerging between U.S and Turkey
by Ayse Oge
A new Economic and Commercial Strategic Cooperation outlined by President Obama and the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in December of 2009 led to establishing the Turkish-US Business Council. This council is co-chaired by US Trade Representative, Ron Kirk, Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy, Ali Babacan, and State Minister for International Trade, Zafer Caglayan. The Council is intended to encourage bilateral discussions of business and economic issues, including promoting trade and investment, and improving the business climate in each country.
Turkish Trade Minister Caglayan’s recent visits to Chicago, California, Texas and Georgia were aimed at improving trade relations and increasing trade volume between the two countries beyond the current sector-based activities. Caglayan followed the model partnership process during his visit to the U.S. in June of 2010 by identifying impediments to bilateral trade and promoting the country of Turkey among American business circles.
Facts about Turkey:
The Turkish and U.S. Business Council will be instrumental in creating an environment in which small and mid-sized companies of both countries can partner, thrive and enhance bilateral commercial ties that could form the basis for expanded trade and investment between the United States and Turkey.
Ayse Oge is President of Ultimate Trade, International Trade Consulting, Speaking and Training and Training and Counselor at SCORE. She can be reached at
Ayse Oge is President of Ultimate Trade, International Trade Consulting, Speaking and Training. She is also Board Member of California Business Education Association.
Ayse Oge
Ultimate Trade LLC
Tel. 818-708-9571
Please go to MBITA newsletter archives to see other MBITA Members profiles and visit MBITA's Export Promotion Services.
MBITA / TradePort Affiliate Events
and Announcement
Export Financing Opportunity for
the Green Energy Industry
offered by GBC International Bank, Ex-Im Bank and the Small Business Administration
Osaka - San Jose Clean Tech
Seminar - Oct. 20, 2010
Presented by the City of San Jose and Osaka.
The Future of Health Innovation
Conference, Stanford, CA - Oct. 26-27, 2010
Green Tech Export Financing Opportunity Seminar
San Jose - Nov. 4, 2010
2010 California-China Trade & Investment
Conference, Los Angeles, CA - Oct. 21, 2010
Sponsors, Partners, & Affiliates
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