In this issue our new member, LG CNS offers its $1 Billion trans-national IT service organization to MBITA clients, members and affiliates. Also, MBITA’s commitment to promote Green products, technologies and services around the world was highlighted with the launching of the 1st Green Trade Network Summit conference at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. MBITA also helped launch the new private sector Spin-off GreenTrade Network.com website.
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Tony Livoti
Vice President
Shay Adams
AIM Medical Sales
Dr. Edward Valeau
Els Group LLC
Hartnell College
President Emeritus
Marcelo Siero
Jim Faith
Trade Export
Finance Online
Cristina Polesel
General Manager
This newsletter has been
created by MBITA's editor
Cristina Polesel
MBITA New Member
MBITA welcomes new member, LG CNS America Inc. to its global network.
Small to mid-sized businesses can now leverage the resources of a $100 billion transnational corporation to grow their IT business operations on a global basis.
LG CNS: Complete IT Business Solutions
There’s Promise, and There’s Beyond Promise
Dave Whipple
Business Development
LG CNS America Inc.
530 Lytton Ave. 2nd Floor
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Tel. 831-594-6635
Web: www.lgcnsusa.com
email: whip@lgcnsusa.com
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The good news is that UCSC Extension has a wide-variety of online courses in business management, engineering and technology, biosciences, and education that can work with busy schedules. Click here to find out more about online learning and the courses offered by UCSC Extension.
In addition, a complete professional certificate program in Program and Project Management can be completed online. Employees with a certificate in Program and Project Management are in high demand in a wide variety of industry sectors and applications. UCSC Extension has received the highest designation,’ Global Registered Education Leader’, from Project Management Institute-PMI. Their program is renowned for its real-world curriculum tailored to the fast-moving, constantly changing Silicon Valley work environment. Credits earned in this program are transferrable to several Master of Science programs at leading U.S. universities.
For more information or to apply please visit their Web site or contact them at (800) 660-UNEX (8639) inside California, (831) 427-6600 outside California, or e-mail program@ucsc-extension.edu
Santa Cruz, CA - 9/20/2008 - Beth Eastman, a UC Santa Cruz graduate who oversees the toxics reduction program for the city of San Francisco, came out of curiosity.
Ian Wright brought his $150,000 prototype to prove electric cars don't have to be heavy and slow.
Allen Chen, needing financing, showed off the $2,999 electric scooter he spent almost a million dollars to develop.
Capitola consultant Kevin McGibben was looking for businesses that want to expand into Latin America and emerging markets.
They all made connections at the Green Trade Network Summit Friday. The event brought about 150 people to Santa Cruz and is expected to return next year. The message, loud and clear: Green is not just a color. It's a mind-set around the world.
Those at the summit spent the day learning what other countries do to reduce oil dependency and finding out which markets might be receptive to their products and services.
"We need to come up with alternatives," said Daniel Robin of Integrated Investments International, whose presentation included a photo of an intravenous line hooked up to a clear plastic bag labeled petroleum. "Most people don't realize plastics are derived from petroleum. Green chemistry is the antidote."
Other nations are moving forward. Denmark is switching to wind energy and there is a UCSC connection, biofuel is taking off in Switzerland, and Brazil and Indonesia are developing sugar cane for ethanol. In Groningen, a province in the Netherlands, two dozen unemployed people were put to work distributing boxes of energy-saving supplies to needy families.
When a presenter talked about clothing made of corn, one participant asked about hemp, which clothing manufacturers buy abroad because it's illegal to grow in the U.S.
"We're missing out on an opportunity," said Tony Livoti of the Monterey Bay International Trade Association, the event sponsor.
A representative from Print Shop Santa Cruz piped up to say her company sells paper that contains hemp.
While many attendees came from outside the county, Santa Cruz was well-represented.
Andrew Nourafshan of the Center for Resource Solutions pointed out Santa Cruz Organic obtained its Green-e certification for buying green energy. Jeremiah Ridenour, founder of Wise Solutions in Corralitos, talked about his green chemistry formula for cleaning tanks used by wineries and dairies. Michael Olson of KSCO Radio, an exhibitor, arrived on a $7,000 electric scooter, the Vectrix, which can reach 65 mph and go three hours on a single battery charge.
By the afternoon, Wright and his electric car had been asked for a photo op by Linda Adams, the state's environmental protection chief.
Chen, the scooter entrepreneur, had a potential buyer in computer consultant James Kaspar and an appointment with venture capitalist Hal Nissley.
McGibben had queries from potential customers.
"People are starting to pay attention," said Will Beckett of the Electric Auto Association, noting the group's membership has jumped 10 percent in the past two months.
"It's moved beyond why do it to how to do it," said Eastman.
Contact Jondi Gumz at 831-706-3253 or jgumz@santacruzsentinel.com.
Secretary Linda Adams Gives ‘Keynote Speech’
Secretary Linda Adams of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL-EPA) gave the ‘keynote’ speech at the 1st annual Green Trade Network Summit conference presented at the world famous ‘Coconut Grove’ballroom at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk .
Secretary Adams spoke on how CAL-EPA serves as a model for the rest of the world to follow in developing such innovative policies as the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, the Green Chemistry Initiative, Low Carbon Fuel Standards, Clean Car Standards, Green Buildings and the Renewable Portfolio Standard. These policies, along with many others are helping California protect and preserve its environment and aid in the fight against Global Warming.
The Greening of Global Logistics
MBITA’s Green initiatives include promoting partner events such as with ‘Eyefortransport’ and their upcoming ‘Sustainable Supply Chain Summit’ on October 15-17 in San Francisco, California. The following article explains the challenges of ‘greening’ the global logistics supply chains and its importance to addressing Global Warming.
60% of supply chain executives are measuring their transportation and logistics emissions according to New 'Green Transportation & Logistics North American Report’
eyefortransport recently surveyed over 500 North American supply chain executives to establish where their greening efforts are being focused, and how they’re being managed and financed. The resulting ‘Green Transportation & Logistics North American Report’ revealed that corporate commitment to environmental initiatives is growing, as is the need to invest in new technologies and harness industry partnerships.
With up to 75% of a company’s carbon footprint coming from transportation and logistics, the focus of supply chain continues to highlight this area, where for many companies the opportunity to make the biggest difference exists. With this in mind, eyefortransport asked respondents to pinpoint what they were doing to green their transportation and logistics, and what effects these initiatives have had.
The timely industry report revealed that the vast majority of respondents, 90%, think that over the next three years green issues will remain or become more important to their transport and logistics processes. An amazing 9% identified green issues as their No.1 priority over the next three years, while only 1% expects a lessening of importance. This push towards green is reported to be driven by a number of factors, including financial ROI (61%), public relations payback (78%), improved customer relations (83%), decreased fuel bills (70%), and improved supply chain efficiency (59%).
How do they plan to green their transportation and logistics? Katharine O’Reilly suggests that greening is “fundamentally a co-operative process, with majority of successful green initiatives being based on changing relationships with suppliers, partners and logistics providers. Increasingly we’re seeing new partnerships being created for environmental reasons, and even competitors working together in order to stay competitive.” Indeed, 20.5% of respondents are currently using a logistics partner or service provider to help green their supply chain, and a further 26% are actively exploring the possibility of adding a partner company in a new collaborative effort to push environmental initiatives forward.
Sustainable Supply Chain Summit North America 2008
15 - 17 October, 2008
Stanford Court Hotel - San Francisco, Ca
With a focus on global trade industry companies and professionals, the MBITA Global Jobs Center offers its members—and the industry at large—an easy-to-use and highly targeted resource for online employment connections in global trade.
Both members and non-members can use the MBITA Career Center to reach qualified candidates. Employers can post jobs online, search for qualified candidates based on specific job criteria, and create an online resume agent to email qualified candidates daily. They also benefit from online reporting that provides job activity statistics.
For job seekers, the MBITA Career Center is a free service that provides access to employers and jobs in the global trade industry. In addition to posting their resumes, job seekers can browse and view available jobs based on their criteria and save those jobs for later review if they choose.
Job seekers can also create a search agent to provide email notifications of jobs that match their criteria.
Start using the MBITA Career Center TODAY!
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