MBITA and the California Trade Partners (CTP) grovesite.com/page.asp?o=tradeport&s=collaborator&p=welcome six months ago launched the TradePort Collaborator, a statewide intranet for California's trade promotion and economic development community.
Discussions are now being held on how the TradePort Collaborator can be replicated as a communication and administration tool for the unique trade promotion culture of another country. This concept would then provide the basis for virtual trade offices for the State of California where standard online tools could be shared between business communities in California and other countries.
Stay tuned for further developments on this innovative initiative!
This is the second edition of MBITA's World Tradewinds eZine that allows you to interact with your comments, articles or suggestions. Please visit the MBITA eZine blog to make your comments.
Thanks to Sean Gilligan of vBlog Central for help setting up the blog.
Tony Livoti
Vice President
Shay Adams
AIM Medical Sales
Dr. Edward Valeau
Hartnell College
Marcelo Siero
Jim Faith
Cristina Polesel
General Manager
Emi Hirano
Marketing Assistant
Akiko Tsukahara
Marketing Analyst
This newsletter has been created by MBITA's editor
Cristina Polesel
MBITA New Member
Frank Zeng
Colbell International, Inc.
10302 Terry Way
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: (408) 203-8210
Fax: (408) 252-1919
Web: www.colbell.com
E-Mail: info@colbell.com
By Marisa del Pozo
Executive Program Director
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the 'BUILDING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN THE GLOBAL MARKET: USA & SPAIN' conference. This annual Executive Development Program for Spanish and American entrepreneurs and managers interested in promoting business opportunities between Spain and the United States will be held at the Harvard Faculty Club , (Cambridge, MA) from May 14-17, 2006.
The Program targets American and Spanish managers currently working in both markets or who would like to explore opportunities in either country. It is specifically designed to help an elite group of business executives to understand the privileges of doing business in either market, building and sustaining competitive advantage and managing the innovation process in the global market.
The Program offers a unique setting on the campus of Harvard University to exchange ideas on global management techniques, research, business and marketing networking opportunities, cross-cultural understanding, partnership development and joint academic projects. This structure is beneficial not only for the participants but also provides valuable feedback and resources for invited guests in their business and/or academic fields.
Background Information
The U.S. and Spain have several things in common. The U.S. and Spain have almost a similar size Spanish-speaking population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau the Spanish-speaking population in U.S. is 40 million (www.activefilings.com )
( www.sagarpa.gob.mx/sdr/evets/expobc.htm) . The population of Spain is currently 44 million. Together, we share cultural values and educational values, political issues and economic growth.
Historically, the U.S. and Spain have been closely linked and we should take advantage of this relationship.
The presence of American and Spanish businesses in both countries has positively impacted their companies' growth and enhanced their leadership ability in the industrialized world during the past few years. The entrepreneurship of American and Spanish business people has opened these two markets to international business opportunities.
The Spanish market is attractive to foreign investment. The country has well-developed infrastructure. Spain is a modern nation comparable to any other European country, but it has the advantage of being less expensive. From a company's perspective, investing in Spain offers both economic and political stability, as well as strategic positioning for entry into the E.U. marketplace.
For further information about this event and a SPECIAL MBITA DISCOUNT FOR THIS CONFERENCE please contact the MBITA office at 831-334-2218.
Global California - Doorstep to the World conference
Sacramento , CA - Feb. 16, 2006
The 3rd annual Global California conference was held at the California Chamber of Commerce in Sacramento, California on February 16, 2006. Organized by MBITA in partnership with the CalTrade Report and TradePort, the conference drew over 150 companies, government leaders and trade promotion service organizations.from accorss the State.Over 28 presenters from all facets of global trade and investment addressed opportunities, challenges proposin solutions to the serious challenges facing California businesses in the global marketplace.
You can view all of the PowerPoint presentations from the ‘Global California – Doorstep to the World’ conference at www.tradeport.org/news/index.html. Please contact the MBITA office for details about ‘Global California – Summer Edition’ to be held this summer in Southern California.
MBITA Luncheon
Exporting to China (Standards and Sustainable Development)
Monterey , CA - Feb. 21, 2006
Trade with China was the focus of the latest MBITA luncheon 'The Challenges of Exporting to China: Standards and Sustainable Development', held in Monterey on February 21 and co-sponsored by the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS).
Several industry sectors and public sector representatives, including the Vice Mayor of the Government of Changsha City and his delegates, enjoyed the presentations.
Randy Kritkausky, President of ECOLOGIA, an international nonprofit organization promoting sustainable development, discussed the role that standards play in trade and sustainability with China and outlined opportunities to develop new markets with the creative use of standards.
Grace Chen, International Compliance Manager for EMC Compliance Management Group (ECMG), spoke about the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) mark, which is mandatory for the Chinese marketplace.
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