2010 begins with a renewed environment of economic growth and positive programs for the world economy. This first issue of the World TradeWinds eZine for 2010 features a new section called ‘MBITA’s Cleantech Viewpoint’ where we will monitor the explosive ‘cleantech’ and ‘smart energy’ industries and the great opportunities that exist for our Green SMEs in the global marketplace. Also, please read about our upcoming Green Trade Mission to China in May of 2010… The global economy looks much brighter than it did a year ago and we wish you the best of luck in your global trade initiatives for 2010.

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Cristina Polesel


MBITA New Member

MBITA welcomes new member Clearwater Environmental Services Inc. (CES). CES is an US registered company specializing in environmental related projects.

Mr. Wing Yip Young, founder and president of the company, is also the patent holder of the world’s most advanced, state-of-the-art CES wastewater treatment technology. 

CES can clean up all municipal sewage and most industry wastewater 20 times faster and achieve better clean water output. It cost less to build and run, it’s easier to operate and simpler to maintain than all other current wastewater treatment plants in the world. 

The CES treatment system uses 50% less energy to operate and produces additional energy during the operation cycle. CES also eliminates the sewage sludge 2nd contamination process by producing electricity, liquid gas and fertilizer to then be recycled back into the city’s waste management system.

CES offers a TOTAL, ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY, WASTEWATER CLEAN UP system at an affordable price. CES can design, build and operate all different sized waste treatment plants. CES also monitors the plant operation and assists clients in solving any subsequent problems that may arise after turning it over to the client. CES can save municipalities millions of dollars a year with just one waste treatment plant’s operation costs.


Wing Y. Young
Clearwater Environmental Services Inc.
Tel. 415-812-8090

China Trade Mission, May 2010

MBITA in partnership with Asia Getaway Inc. are now accepting delegates for an upcoming trade mission to China for ‘cleantech’ and ‘smart energy’ companies.

This trade mission will take place from May 22-29th and will include one-on-one meeting with qualified and selected Chinese partners in Shanghai and in the Hunan and Jiangsu provinces. An additional day will include a tour at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai where over 186 countries and 70 million people will visit over a period of months.

“This trade mission is designed for ‘deal-making’. That’s why we are providing web conference sessions between our delegates and their prospective and qualified Chinese partners prior to their in-country visits so our delegates will ‘hit the ground running’ when they meet in China with their prospective and qualified partners”, states Tony Livoti.

For more details and registration please visit 

MBITA's Cleantech Viewpoint

The ‘Cleantech’ Viewpoint is a new section for the World TradeWinds eZine designed to follow the industrial ‘boom’ now occurring throughout the world in the ‘cleantech’ and ‘smart energy’ industries.

The 'Smart Energy' Revolution Takes the Stage in San Francisco, CA

By Tony Livoti, MBITA President

On November 10, 2009 ‘World TradeWinds was invited to cover The Networked Grid conference that was held to an overflow audience of 450 people at the PG&Es auditorium in downtown San Francisco. The participants were all seeking answers to the future of smart grid communications and applications. With the recent announcement of stimulus funds in the amount of $3.4 billion for smart grid infra-structure deployment, there was an undeniable ‘buzz’ in the air that the ‘smart energy’ sector is hot.

This was evidenced by visiting the Cisco booth where its representative stated that Cisco was going to be to energy what it’s been to information. Wow!  What does that mean? Comparing ‘Smart Energy’ to the Internet?  After hearing an array of energy experts throughout the day representing major utilities and software companies, and hearing that PG &E is installing 13,000 new smart meters per day,  I began to understand that ‘smart energy’ might be bigger than the internet.

Always taking the global perspective to industry I realized that this could be bigger than the internet because the ‘smart energy’ revolution is not just happening in the U.S., it’s happening all over the world, all at once. 

As developed and some underdeveloped countries scramble to meet mandated carbon emission targets with new renewable energy sources, I realized that this ‘smart energy’ revolution is being besieged by innovation from businesses of all sizes, from all part of the world, and it’s because of the internet.

Remember back in 1994 when the internet was being introduced to the business world primarily starting in Silicon Valley and then expanding to other parts of the country and then finally reaching Europe and Asia. This process took a few years to mature because the internet was not as effective as it is today with the emergence of pervasive broadband and visual, real-time, information sharing. Now when the latest technology in ‘smart energy’ enters the global stage, the whole world knows about it and reacts accordingly. The brightest minds are inventing the brightest ideas in smart energy, and these bright ideas become even brighter as other bright minds improve upon them, exponentially forming a global snowball of innovation…what an interesting time to be alive.

Some of the topics covered at the conference included energy storage, home energy management, plug-in vehicle charging systems and even an ‘eco-warrior’ game connecting conservation to virtual rewards. You can see videos and read detailed articles on the ‘smart grid’ at Greentechmedia.com, who were the producers of The Networked Grid conference.

As a believer in Global warming, I left the conference energized and hopeful that this daunting challenge our generation and our children’s generation face to save our planet is being met in spades by the best humanity has to offer.

The Evolution of Green Energy Lives In Darwin's Galapagos Islands

By Ron Swenson, MBITA Member

The government of Ecuador has initiated a plan to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in the Galapagos by 2015 and a program has been initiated and coordinated through GalapagoSolar and MBITA member and solar power expert, Ron Swenson, to meet the goals of this historical project.

The Galapagos will need some concrete numbers/evidence and real locally supported options in conjunction with the government of Ecuador and high schools in the Galapagos to meet the state goals.

In response to this effort, GalapagoSolar is initiating several programs for University students to help in eliminating the use of fossil fuels in the Galapagos by the year 2015.

These four programs are:

1) eMON (Energy Monitoring). Monitoring the use of electricity and replacement of inefficient electrical appliances and apparatuses in the Galapagos.

2) EVs (Electrical Vehicles). Replacement of one half of the fossil fuel powered vehicles with electric powered vehicles on San Cristobal where there is an existing green energy source of electricity that is not being fully utilized.

3) Bioclimatic/Alternative Design and Construction Methods. Development of construction methods and designs in the Galapagos that will minimize the energy consumption of buildings both in their construction and use.

4) “K thru 12” Volunteer-Taught School. Design and implementation of a K thru 12 bi-lingual curriculum that can be taught be visiting professors to offer the children of the Galapagos an education commensurate with the responsibility of protecting their birth right, the Islands of the Galapagos.

In the Galapagos these are important programs; however they will also have applications throughout the world. It is intended that the experience of participating in one of these programs will lead to the implementation of similar programs in other communities.

GalapagoSolar began working in the Galapagos in 2002 for the above reasons. We worked extensively with the e8 for the installation of the three 850 kW wind turbines that were installed, and we financed and installed solar panels on two schools in the Galapagos. We developed a community project working with the local high school kids to educate the community about the immediate and long term costs of the use/abuse of electricity and offered economically viable solutions within the framework of a government-subsidized cost of energy.

We have an experienced, dedicated team living on San Cristobal who are “Colonal Permanentes” of the Galapagos, with excellent English and people skills. This team has close community and governmental ties which are critical in the realization of these kinds of programs in a location as remote as the Galapagos are.

We’re moving forward and want to bring as many assets (financial support, people and institutions) to bear on these projects as possible.

GalapagoSolar is proposing a three month term of study, though we are open to suggestions and flexible in designing a curriculum that fits the needs of its participants. University students will be working in conjunction with the GalapagoSolar team and local high school students in one of the four project areas mentioned above. 

Arriving university students will be completely immersed in the community of San Cristobal, taking part in an intra-cultural exchange while helping to move the world heritage site of the Galapagos closer to independent sustainable use of electricity.

An initial orientation for arriving students and faculty about the Galapagos and the issues faced here (economic, social, political) is a fundamental part of the term of study along with an experience that is close to or equivocates the experience of visitors here.

Come To Galapagos, LLC, a locally owned and operated tour company with close government and community ties, has been working toward the creation of a sustainable economic model for years and has volunteered their services for not only this initial orientation, but also in the coordination of home stays, hotels and flights from the continent and overall general care of arriving students and/or faculty.

The Galapagos is unique, perhaps the most famous of UNESCO’S world heritage sites and as such ecological projects here receive a lot of worldwide attention. These are islands located six hundred miles off the coast of a third world country that was until recently most famous for bananas. 

The local culture here – as everywhere – cares about the bottom line, “How much does it cost?” The government of Ecuador subsidizes the cost of gasoline and electricity (we can buy a gallon of gasoline for $1.50). Our monthly average electricity bill, if we run 24/7 an antiquated freezer and refrigerator and use an air conditioner during the really hot months will run at about $40 a month.

This electricity is provided entirely (on every island except San Cristobal where we have wind turbines that augment this at an estimated 40% year round, far less during the hot months when there is less wind and greater demand, and on Floreana, with solar panels and aging batteries supporting a population of 85) by diesel generators. The fossil fuels to run these generators need to be imported and while Ecuador is a petroleum producing nation, we have no refinery. The crude gets shipped to Venezuela and refined p­­etroleum products are shipped back to Ecuador and finally to the Galapagos. Even with the government’s subsidies a viable alternative can be presented to the local populace with “Bioclimatic Design”.

Who wants to help us help them?
For more details visit 

Ron Swenson
P O Box 7080
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Tel: 831-425-8523
Web site: www.solarquest.com
See Ron Swenson's bio at 

Opportunities in Renewable Energy and their Role in Solving Urgent Environmental and Economic Needs

By Dr. Michael Woodhouse

Throughout history mankind has shown a remarkable ability to solve difficult problems as they arise.  In a paradigm of fear, the present worldwide energy situation is viewed as a series of environmental and economic problems that are seemingly insurmountable to solve because we think of the known power systems of today as the only effective way to power our lives.  In a more productive paradigm of optimism and industry, new global economic opportunities will be created within the renewable solutions.

The most holistic overview of the global energy picture is shown below. You can infer from the projection that the worldwide energy demand will be roughly twice what it is now by 2050 (this estimate is also in alignment with most models assuming moderate economic growth). To examine some details starting from the bottom, one can see a picture of “peak oil”. At some point the extraction of the energy-dense but irreplaceable resources of oil and gas will have to peak and their use will taper off.  If the world were to stick to known systems of energy production, the increased use of coal would be the most likely alternative as the reserves of this resource are vast and domestically readily available to the most industrious economies (particularly the United States and China).

A projection of the Global Energy Mix and CO2 concentrations as a function of that mix for the 21st century. Capping CO2 levels (in ppm) at the indicated limits implies that the area between the corresponding colored line and the total primary power production curve (labeled 1S92a) come from carbon-free sources. The model was derived by authors with last names beginning in W, R, and E.
- Reprinted from M. Hoffert et al, Science.

The risk with sticking to the known systems becomes clear when considering how to contain CO2 concentrations to certain levels. In the pre-industrial epoch of human history, global CO2 concentrations were roughly constant at 280 ppm. In 2009 that level is 390 ppm. Climate scientists generally regard the 450-550 ppm level as the upper limit to avoiding a catastrophic failure in our climate system. In order to stay below that limit by 2050 would require a variety of forms of carbon-free power being output at a level roughly equivalent to all power that is produced today (represented as the area shown by the “Renewable” and “Nuclear” pieces PLUS the area within “Coal” to achieve the baseline CO2 concentration).

The implications of present energy use patterns extend beyond environmental concerns.  If we continue to rely upon oil as the primary transportation fuel, or even if we start to replace it with natural gas, we should expect an unknown (but significant) increase in energy prices over time as their supply dwindles while demand rises.  Renewable Energy KitThis could be economically devastating for those countries that have a voracious appetite for these resources beyond the capabilities of their domestic reserves (such as the United States, the countries of the EU, China, and India).  So at some point, in the not too distant future, it becomes more economically attractive to utilize alternatives. The opportunity comes in building a series of profitable industries that lead humankind to the point where the alternatives are available to fulfill the need.

A known energy commodity would be a priceless asset for the future and a solar panel is an example of a commodity that can fulfill that role.  Depending upon which solar technology is chosen, innumerable panels can be manufactured and traded globally (for example with silicon, organic-based systems, or “thin film” materials with a recycling program).

Its production and installation price can be accurately known and capitalized over its 25-year warranty.  It does not pollute while it’s working and it takes far less energy to make it then it returns over its working lifetime.  Its output power can be reasonably modeled using yearly averages of solar flux, and the energy it harvests can be stored in various forms for use at times when there is no sun.  But most importantly for widespread implementation, the cost of solar panels continues to fall and opportunities to make them through international trade agreements are becoming more compelling.  A lot of ingenuity will be required to understand how to rely so heavily upon new energy systems such as solar, but ingenuity is one of the great hallmarks of human character.    


Dr. Michael Woodhouse
Energy Technologies and Market Analyst
ARI International
Tel: 970-402-5912

Kuwait Implements Demand Response Program with Help from MBITA Member LonMark International

by Ron Bernstein

Executive Director, LonMark International

The Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR) has initiated Phase 2 of their load shedding energy program where they will retrofit 102 schools for remote control of HVAC and lighting systems. The two-year project is in the final funding stages now and is slated to start engineering within the next few months.

I had the opportunity to meet with the design team in Kuwait this past September to learn more about the deployment and to offer advise on system architectures and implementation. Dr. Ahmad Al-Mulla, the project lead, has assembled a very competent team to move this project forward.

The plan is to enable a full remote-control access to the HVAC split units, packaged units, and all of the lighting circuits. The initial implementation phase will start with active scheduling of the equipment runtime based upon the known schedule of the schools.

Further special event schedules will be added as the system grows. Additionally, each school will have sub-meters on each of the main power feeds into the building to help further the research into energy savings.

“The successful implementation of this project will lead to a reduction of 24 MWh in national peak electrical demand and 94 MWh in daily energy consumption for typical summer days. The expected financial and environmental benefits from these savings are KWD 11.8 million (US$41 million) towards power generation and distribution costs, in addition to KWD 1,740 per day (US$6069) in fuel cost and 61 tons per day reductions in CO2 emissions for typical summer days. These benefits strongly justify the proposed budget for this project,” commented Dr. Al-Mulla.

With an initial investment of approximately KWD 1.3 million (US$5 million) for the 102 schools, upon completion, the projected ROI is roughly three months.

This unique opportunity is expected to pave the way for hundreds of other government managed buildings in the country during Phase 3 of the project. KISR has set the goal that this project becomes a model program for other countries in the region. As a division of the Kuwaiti government, KISR is a scientific research laboratory working on real-world problems for Kuwait and expects to share its knowledge with others that could benefit.

The choice of using LonWorks technology by the KISR team was based upon the need for flexibility. According to the design team, they needed the ability to use powerline and twisted pair communications as some of the facilities will be difficult and costly to install new wire. The pilot program from 2008 proved that using LonWorks technology over powerline is an excellent architecture to cost effectively upgrade these facilities. In some cases combining media types will be necessary and the need for options emphasized the need for an open interoperable solution.

Engineering design and vendor selection is in process now and LonMark International members that were involved in the pilot program are in the running, as are new vendors. The system will contain a variety of DIO controllers for the split units and packaged units, powerline based relay controls for the lighting panels, and powerline based meters for the sub-metering requirements. LonMark International members are encouraged to provide information on their solutions for this project.

In addition to the local control of lighting and HVAC, the system has the ability to remotely monitor, control, and schedule each load in each building. A central user interface is part of the scope of the project and an open solution platform is sought in order to enable future expansion without vendor lock-in. An IT model for the connectivity from each building to the central control site was an initial cause for concern. It was not known if every building would have an established reliable internet connection. But upon further investigation, it was determined that the 102 schools in this district do in fact have a good connection and can easily handle the bandwidth load from this project.

As an added benefit, the scope of work is being determined for a local user interface that will allow the local facility managers to view the status of the systems inside their own building. The Echelon i.LON SmartServer is proposed as the interface in each building and a local web page for the facility manager and principal will be developed.

Contracts will be sought to develop the central front end interface, the local graphical interface, and the integration of the controls at each building. KISR will require training on each level and is charged with becoming the center of expertise for this system.

In addition to this project, KISR is also planning a conference during the fall of 2010 where they plan to highlight this as well as many of their other projects. LonMark International will be helping KISR with this conference by securing speakers and attendees in the region. The conference is a major event for the government of Kuwait as they work to become known as a source of innovative engineering and technical expertise. They have aggressive goals to be a source of support for other countries in the region faced with similar problems and to attract the brightest minds and resources.

The demand side management and centralized remote control system being implemented by KISR is a demonstration of how the flexible LonWorks architecture can help solve very real and challenging problems while delivering a cost-effective solution. We are very pleased and excited to be a part of this project and look forward to its success.

For more information please contact:


Ron Bernstein
Executive Director, LonMark International
Web site: 

The ‘Global Smart Energy- Bilateral Trade and Investment Opportunities’ conference on November 13, 2009 at the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in Monterey, Ca was a great success.

The event featured energy experts from NASA JPL, Chevron Energy Service (CES) and a host of other cutting edge ‘smart energy’ experts from small business sectors discussing the challenges and business opportunities that all Cleantech companies face here and abroad in the booming ‘smart energy’ industry.

Global trade and investment opportunities in Smart Grid products and services were addressed as well as the emergence of Local Smart Micro Grids and the importance of how international standards fit into the new global energy infrastructures occurring throughout the world.

Ayse's Corner

Ayse's Corner is a feature column of the World TradeWinds eZine'. Ayse Oge is a published author and global trade marketing expert and author of Emerging Markets.

Brazil: Emerging Player in Global Stage
by Ayse Oge

The International Olympic Committee’s choice to have Brazil host the 2016 summer games paves the way for tremendous opportunity in expanding the Olympic spirit, by Brazil becoming a global player in international trade.

With a population close to 200 million and a landmass similar to the U.S., Brazil has the largest and the most complex market in Latin America. Some facts about Brazil:

  • Brazil’s economy is expected to grow by 4% to 6% every year. According to a forecast released by the International Monetary Fund, the country is at the forefront in taking Latin America out of its recession.
  • Brazil’s economy benefits largely from the robust demand for its iron, timber, and crops such as sugar cane and soybean. The discovery of new oil reserves is expected to make the country a potential energy exporter in 2012.
  • Brazil’s manufacturing, retail and service industries have a healthy growth pattern. The country’s large consumer base has an appetite for a wide range of tastes.
  • Foreign investment in factories and offices has been increasing lately despite the global recession. 
  • The country is reaping the rewards of recent years of conservative economic planning.

Brazil’s market challenges include uneven income distribution, high unemployment rates and a commodity-driven and largely informal economy. U.S. exporters need to know the domestic environment, including both the explicit and implicit costs of doing business in Brazil (referred to as “Custo Brasil”). Such costs involve distribution, government procedures, employee benefits, environmental laws, and different tax calculations. Logistics are a particular challenge, due to the fragmented nature of distribution channels.

Potential market opportunities for U.S. exports and investment include: Agricultural Equipment, Agriculture, Aircraft and Parts, Airports, Computer Software, E-Commerce, Highways, Insurance, Iron and Steel, IT Hardware, Medical Equipment, Mining, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Pollution Equipment, Ports, Railroads, Safety & Equipment, Telecommunications and Tourism.

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s website provides comprehensive data on Brazil’s market opportunities for U.S. exporters. It can be accessed at:


You can get further information from the officials through the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles:
Setor Comercial


Contacts at the Consulate are:
Edna R. Shelby
Raquel B. Davies
Walter Leao

Ayse Oge is President of Ultimate Trade, International Trade Consultant, Speaker, Trainer and can be reached at oge@earthlink.net

Ayse Oge is President of Ultimate Trade, International Trade Consulting, Speaking and Training. She is also Board Member of California Business Education Association.

Ayse Oge
Ultimate Trade LLC
Tel. 818-708-9571

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With a focus on global trade industry companies and professionals, the MBITA Global Jobs Center offers its members—and the industry at large—an easy-to-use and highly targeted resource for online employment connections in global trade.

Both members and non-members can use the MBITA Career Center to reach qualified candidates. Employers can post jobs online, search for qualified candidates based on specific job criteria, and create an online resume agent to email qualified candidates daily. They also benefit from online reporting that provides job activity statistics.

For job seekers, the MBITA Career Center is a free service that provides access to employers and jobs in the global trade industry. In addition to posting their resumes, job seekers can browse and view available jobs based on their criteria and save those jobs for later review if they choose.

 Job seekers can also create a search agent to provide email notifications of jobs that match their criteria.

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