Tony Livoti
Vice President
Shay Adams
AIM Medical Sales
Dr. Edward Valeau
Hartnell College
Dr. Victor Cordell
Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS)
Marcelo Siero
Jim Faith
Cristina Polesel
General Manager
Emi Hirano
Marketing Assistant
Tomoko Takamura
Marketing Assistant
Lidia Thompson
Eastern European Consultant
This newsletter has been created by MBITA's editor
Cristina Polesel
MBITA New Corporate Sponsor
MBITA would like to introduce International Technoprint Inc. (ITI) as a new corporate sponsor.
Established in 1989, ITI provides one-stop, end-to-end product documentation solutions that enable manufacturing companies to write, translate, print and deliver user manuals and marketing collateral to customers anywhere in the world.
ITI is the North American business arm of Yamagata Printing Group, a global company based in Yokohama, Japan. Yamagata Group companies in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States include printing plants, printing services, technical document companies and Web content development firms. The Group has expertise in printing, translation, 3D animation, technical writing, desktop publishing, Web-based content development and technical support.
ITI customers include several Fortune 500 companies, such as Sony, Panasonic, Fujitsu and Honda. Thanks to Yamagata Group's vast resources, ITI can easily provide its customers with a single point of contact for all of their documentation needs.
"Our customers benefit from the expertise of the entire Yamagata Printing Group," said Shiro Fujimoto, president of ITI. "With our global network of partners, we offer complete product documentation services to our customers. Around the world, we produce over 15 million manuals each month."
MBITA welcomes its new member Kingsirs International. Headquartered in San Jose, CA, Kingsirs maintains a database that tracks waterborne cargoes moving through U.S. ports from anywhere in the world. Tens of thousands of import shipments are collected and processed every day through its web-based solution, e-TARGET (Timely, Accurate Resources for Global Expert Trade). E-TARGET allows a myriad of companies involved in international trade to find new overseas suppliers, monitor existing supplier-relationships, track the competition, follow industry trends, identify and gauge potential customers and use other applications depending on the type of company.
e-TARGET has the capability to drill-down and isolate very specific shipments by searching for selected product/commodity descriptions and/or pin-pointing U.S. importers and overseas exporters. The search fields available through the company's web-based solution, e-TARGET, are:
- U.S. Importers/Consignees and addresses
- Overseas Exporters/Suppliers and addresses
- Notify Parties and addresses
- Manifest Product/Commodity Descriptions
- Quantity, Unit of Measure and Weight of the Products
- Ports of Load and Discharge
- Ocean Carriers
- Vessel Names
- Date of Arrival in the U.S.
- Bill of Lading/Container Numbers
The company strives to offer excellent quality trade information at affordable prices. It is a very cost-effective solution for small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to make intelligent decisions and grow their business 'proactively'. Companies can gauge the size of potential suppliers overseas and track competition without the guesswork. As global trade expands, businesses must have qualified information at their fingertips to keep up with changes and be competitive in the marketplace. Kingsirs assist SMEs to:
- Track their competition domestically and/or abroad
- Identify new sources of supply from any country in the World
- Monitor distribution agreements with exclusive vendors
- Find new customers for their trade and transportation products and services
- Follow industry trends that may affect them in the short or long term
- Pin-point areas of opportunities to establish/transfer their manufacturing facilities overseas
Every day SMEs use Kingsirs trade information in countless ways to either save money or make money. Kingsirs understands that the competitive landscape is tough these days and growing a business takes additional measures to ensure success. Kingsirs provides SMEs with a valuable tool to assist them with their success in the international trade arena.
About Kingsirs International
Kingsirs is a trade information company with over 17 offices and 350 employees throughout China and the United States servicing manufacturers, retailers, distributors, importers, exporters, trading companies, trade consultants, transportation providers, law firms and other companies involved in international trade.
For more information, visit
Use Reference Code #MBITA_2004 and receive a 15% discount on your first order.
Kingsirs International
940 Saratoga Ave. Ste 215
San Jose, CA 95129
Tel 408- 243-8088
Fax 408-243-9098
MBITA New Member: Ingrid Rosten
MBITA introduces Ingrid Rosten, International Consultant looking for opportunities in Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay region or Sacramento area. In Partnering with MBITA, Ingrid also looks to offer training, delegation visits and other special programs for international visitors to the area.
- Business Incubation - Creation, Training Managers, Consulting, Day to Day Operation of the incubator and working one-on-one with clients for business development.
- Marketing and Business Development - Products and Services Strategies and implementation.
- Operations Management - Facilities and Administrative Oversight, Contracts and Negotiations.
- Visiting Delegation Programs - Requested Meetings, Business Training, Company Visits, Tours for CEO's or mixed groups of government, academia and business representatives.
- Internship Program Development and Management - Pre and Post Graduates and MBA's, coming from top-level educational institutions.
- US/California Orientation - For newly arrived employees or those planning to live here short term. Can assist with everything from relocation, banking, shopping to understanding how business and venture financing works. Offers one-on-one or group orientations.
- Customer Service - Call Center and General Customer Care.
- Trade Show and Event Coordination - Manages all aspects for small and large events.
Ingrid has been instrumental in the following accomplishments for California:
- Attracted over 600 international companies opening new businesses
- More than $290M estimated taxable sales generated
- Approximately 690 jobs created
- Over 25,000 visiting international delegates attracted
- Received more than 200 student interns, both US and international students, mainly MBA candidates.
Ms. Rosten has been educated, lived and worked in England, France, Spain and the US.
For her resume, click here
Ingrid Rosten
217 Navarra Drive
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Tel. 408- 691-4784
Fax 831-438-1001
Ukraine's Orange Revolution
By Bob Edgren, MBITA Member
One could see the concerned and anxious looks showing on faces of well dressed business people in Kiev last summer. The reality they were facing was the unknown. Prime minister, pro-Russian candidate Viktor Yanokovych heavily backed by President Putin of Russia and outgoing president Leonid Kuchma, was a shoe in to win the presidential election.
After a ten year reign of outgoing Kuchma, many western businesses and investors were able to make in roads and establish themselves during his term, despite his pro Russian stance. However, Kuchma, surrounded in scandalous problems, seemed to have an ability to play the west and east against each other.
Opposition candidate was pro west Vicktor Yuschenko who was once the finance banking minister and prime minister. His platform was an open door to the west, including WTO, NATO and the EU. Meanwhile, he would work with Russia on a cooperating basis. The main thing he wanted to insure was the independence of Ukraine as a sovereign nation.
What this all meant for the future of Ukraine was unclear, but much commerce was virtually on hold to see the probable dismal results.
However, something incredible happened. On November 21, Yanokovych was declared winner of the presidential election.
In the next couple of days the world witnessed almost the unbelievable. A spontaneous rise of Ukraine people denouncing a blatant rigged election swarmed the nation's capital. Donning Orange colors, over two million people marched in the capital center of Kiev demanding a just election and supporting their candidate Yuschenko.
They set up "tent city" in the main square and boulevard, ready to block any government activity until their demands were addressed . Western leaders were soon to criticize and denounce the election validity. President Bush called it a "crisis". Sharp barbs between Putin and the White House were exchanged.
The opponent and his camp, pro west Yuschenko, were on the move. The Supreme Court and Parliament set another election for December 26. Thousands of observers from around the world flew in to monitor things. This time pro west candidate Yuschenko won by 8 percentage points.
I was invited to have Christmas Eve dinner (Orthodox January 7) inside tent city. Flanked by the commandant and his assistants, including the official press agent for the Orange Revolution, and several other Revolution leaders, I enjoyed a traditional Ukraine Christmas dinner.
I returned to California January 10, after nearly a month in Kiev. As of this writing, 1,000 supporters remained still remaining in tent city will stay until the inauguration of Yuschenko which was delayed by a lawsuit from Yanokovych. But most people feel confident that Yuschenko will become president.
What this means to the West, the US and California can be summed up by US Ukraine ambassador John Herbst," …if the new President-elect Viktor Yuschenko succeeded in restoring stability, it could expect an influx of new U.S. trade and investment."
Bob Edgren
Tel. 831-402-2111
MBITA, managers of which is California's premiere global trade portal, cordially invite you to attend the conference 'Global California: Expanding Opportunities', produced by MBITA, TradePort and CalTrade Report.
This conference will have thorough panel discussions on the current state of global trade in California and the rest of the world from leaders throughout California in the public and private sectors of trade promotion services.
This annual conference brings together members of the trade community to discuss important aspects of International Trade throughout the state. Global California: Expanding Opportunities will provide an unprecedented opportunity to draw on California's peerless reservoir of business acumen, energy, and entrepreneurship, and provide ample opportunity to network and lay the foundations for the strategic alliances crucial to the state's international future.
Find out more about Global California: Expanding Opportunities.
Contact the MBITA office for further information.
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