The Monterey Bay International Trade Association (MBITA), a leading non-profit global trade association in California for over 25 years, has now become a private sector company called Global-MBITA with expanded bilateral global trade promotion and investment services targeted to the small and mid-sized business communities in California and throughout the world…..More
"Your ‘Monterey Bay, Like No Other’ event on the branding and marketing of the Monterey Bay region was a great presentation yesterday. The panelists were terrific, topics were very well thought out, and then everything was tied together very well. The Monterey Bay region is ‘like no other’. I came away with a sense that you were able to “move the needle” somewhat closer to being able to develop a definitive ‘branding’ and ‘marketing’ program for the Monterey Bay
Michael Viguerie, Newport Board Group LLC
"MBITA has proved to be a great organization for global trade resources and services. Over the years we have found their export promotion services, luncheons and conference to be of great value to Raytek and its foreign market operations" says Gary Hampsch, Intl Sales & Marketing Manager of Raytek, Inc. "We have found MBITA to be a great partner for us to help our company develop new foreign markets for our various wine corkscrew products. It's nice to have a local organization that can help us form business relationships with domestic and foreign public & private sector organizations, such as the U.S. Commercial Service"